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講師 尾崎翔氏(高エネルギー加速器研究機構)
タイトル QCD effective potential with strong magnetic fields
日時 2015年9月11日(金) 13:30-14:30
場所 理学系総合研究棟1号館(理学部1号館) 405号室
連絡先 千葉大学素粒子論研究室 043-290-3908

In this talk, I will discuss QCD vacuum in strong magnetic fields. As a first step towards understanding the effects of magnetic fields on QCD vacuum properties, we analytically derive the Euler-Heisenberg action for QCD + QED at zero and finite temperatures. From the action, at zero temperature, we found that the chromo-magnetic field prefers to be parallel to the external magnetic field, and thus the QCD vacuum with strong magnetic fields is spatially anisotropic [1]. This result is consistent with recent lattice data. Furthermore, the chromo-magnetic condensate increases with an increasing magnetic field [1], which supports the "gluonic magnetic catalysis" as observed in current lattice data.

Next, I will discuss the effective potential with strong magnetic fields at finite temperatures [2]. In particular, we focus on the influence of the magnetic field on the center symmetry in QCD. The pure Yang-Mills theory has the center symmetry (being spontaneously broken at high temperature), but dynamical quarks explicitly break it. I will show how the magnetic fields affect the explicit symmetry breaking, by using the effective potential for the Polyakov loop.

[1] S. Ozaki, Phys. Rev. D89, 054022 (2014)
[2] S. Ozaki, T. Arai, K. Hattori and K. Itakura, Phys. Rev. D92, 016002 (2015)

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