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講師 米倉和也氏 (東京大学 カブリ数物連携宇宙研究機構)
タイトル From 4d Yang-Mills to 2d CPN-1 model: IR problem and confinement at weak coupling
日時 2017.07.21 (Thu.) 14:30 -- 16:00
場所 理学部1号館4階405セミナー室

We study four-dimensional SU(N) Yang-Mills theory on R×T3=R×S1A×S1B×S1C, with a twisted boundary condition by a ZN center symmetry imposed on S1B×S1C. This setup has no IR zero modes and hence is free from IR divergences which could spoil trans-series expansion for physical observables. Moreover, we show that the center symmetry is preserved at weak coupling regime. This is shown by first reducing the theory on T2=SA×SB, to connect the model to the two-dimensional CPN-1-model. Then, we prove that the twisted boundary condition by the center symmetry for the Yang-Mills is reduced to the twisted boundary condition by the ZN global symmetry of CPN-1. There are N classical vacua, and fractional instantons connecting those N vacua dynamically restore the center symmetry. We also point out the presence of singularities on the Borel plane which depend on the shape of the compactification manifold, and comment on its implications.

研究室見学・訪問等, 千葉大学素粒子論研究室に関するお問い合わせ: メールアドレス