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講師 Dr. Astushi Nakamula and Mr. Takumi Kato (Kitasato University)
タイトル Calorons and Magnetic Charges
日時 2018.4.27 (Fri.) 13:30--16:00
場所 Seminar room No. 405, 4th floor, Fac. of Science building No.1
Part I (by Nakamula)

Instantons in pure Yang-Mills theories on partially periodic space R^3 times S^1 are usually called calorons. The background periodicity brings on characteristic features of calorons such as non-trivial holonomy, which plays an essential role for confinement/deconfinement transition in pure Yang-Mills gauge theory. For the case of gauge group $SU(2)$, calorons can be interpreted as composite objects of two constituent ``monopoles" with opposite magnetic charges. We give a fundamental review on the ADHM/Nahm construction for calorons.

Part II (by Kato)

There are often the cases that the two monopole charges of costituents are unbalanced so that the calorons possess net magnetic charge in R^3. We consider several mechanism how such net magnetic charges appear for certain types of calorons through the ADHM/Nahm construction with explicit examples. In particular, we construct analytically the gauge configuration of the (2,1)-caloron with U(1)-symmetry, which has intrinsically magnetic charge.

  1. arXiv:1804.03268 [hep-th]

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