講師 | Dr. Yui Hayashi (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University) |
タイトル | Higgs-confinement continuity and particle-vortex statistics |
日時 | 2023.4.13(Thu.) 13:00--15:00 (one hour talk followed by Online coffee time) |
場所 | Online: ZOOM |
概要 |
Some gauge theories with superfluidity, such as dense QCD, have nontrivial Aharonov-Bohm (AB) phases around vortices, or anyonic particle-vortex statistics, in the Higgs regime. Recently, it has been debated whether this nontrivial AB phase implies a Higgs-confinement transition. In this seminar, I will address this question in favor of the Higgs-confinement continuity. By explicit calculations in relevant lattice models, I will show how the AB phase exhibits a smooth connection between the confining and Higgs regimes. This finding provides new insights into the topological nature of gauge-Higgs systems and, in particular, suggests that the quark-hadron continuity remains a consistent scenario. |
参考文献 |