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基礎物理学特別講義III (Advanced Lecture on Fundamental Physics III)

講師 金谷和至先生(筑波大学, 教授)
Kazuyuki Kanaya (University of Tsukuba, Professor)
タイトル QCD thermodynamics with the Gradient Flow Method
日程 1日目 : 2018.2.27. (Tue) 10:30--18:00
2日目 : 2018.2.28. (Wed) 10:30--18:00
場所 Seminar room No. 405, 4th floor, Fac. of Science building No.1

Recently a series of new methods based on the gradient flow (GF) technique have been introduced. The gradient flow (GF), defined as a flow of field variables into a fictitious time "t" direction driven by a gradient of the action, can be viewed as a smearing procedure of the fields over a physical range of about \sqrt{8t}. Salient features of the GF are the UV finiteness and the absence of short-distance singularities in the operators constructed by flowed fields at t > 0. Because these operators are finite, we may evaluate them directly on the lattice. This opens us various possibilities to drastically simplify determination of physical observables from lattice simulations. We are applying the GF to study thermodynamic quantities in QCD adopting a strategy proposed by Hiroshi Suzuki. After a brief introduction of thermodynamics on the lattice, I discuss the GF method and its applications to finite temperature QCD.


  1. Brief introduction of QCD thermodynamics on the lattice motivations / formulation / thermodynamic quantities
  2. Gradient flow method gradient flow / finiteness / Hiroshi Suzuki's approach
  3. Application of gradient flow to QCD thermodynamics energy-momentum tensor / test in quenched QCD / status in full QCD / perspective
備考 The main parts of this lecture will be given in English.
キーワード gradient flow, QCD thermodynamics, lattice simulations

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